Seafloor Cleanup Days

Seafloor Cleanup Days help pick up trash from the seabeds around piers and harbors. Beginning in the middle of the California coastline, we'll schedule a Seafloor Cleanup Day in different coastal cities as resources become available to facilitate and promote each event.

Divers wanted to help collect old fishing nets, plastic trash and lost gear. Bring your own gear and a big appetite since we'll be serving food and providing beverages for scuba and free divers as well as magnet fishers (and other Marine Watchdogs members, of course). Net bags to put trash in will be provided, too.

Magnet fishers wanted to help collect metal trash from the seafloor. We'll provide a powerful neodymium magnet, pull line, trash bag and gloves; you drag it around and see how many pieces of metal you can collect. You might find treasure of some sort, since people often drop keys and rings and other items from piers.

PRIZES AWARDED for the most plastic collected from the bottom, the most metal collected with a magnet, and the best treasure of the day.

Plastic-Free Personal Products
Natural weed killer


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